
National supply, reliable price based delivery and capable service from an experienced sales team.


National supply, reliable price based delivery and capable service from an experienced sales team.

Econo Petroleum is a full service wholesale provider offering at the rack or delivered options, access to all major refiners, at all major terminals across the country, passing on the best daily options to our wholesale customers. In times of allocation, our contracted customers are given preferential treatment and we spare no effort to make sure you stay in business.

Import / Export Options

We offer our customer import options, whether it be interprovincial or cross border when terminal arbitrage opportunities allow. We work with our customers to ensure they have the best competitive advantage possible.

When there are issues with domestic supply Econo Petroleum can arrange rail options, transloading options and 3rd party terminal or road transport to keep supply available to our customers.

Feel like our Wholesale services can work for you?